
Is this truly the road I need to take? I’m crying… my tears just don’t want to stop flowing and I just can’t stop crying too… I don’t want to stop crying… will all my worries disappear? Or will the situation be any better? Nope… nothing changes… but why am I crying? Lord, save me… I’m sorry for not growing in you and not helping others to grow in you too… I’m sorry for being bias towards someone, anyone. I’m really sorry. Thanks for sending someone to comfort me. Thank you so much. I don’t know which word to pick to describe how I feel. I’m blurred. I feel that I’m in total disaster. I pray lord, simply give me the strength I need… only that… no others that I need more… Nobody could and never will understand how I felt. Only he knows. It’s not about what, it’s just respect and simply understanding from others. That’s it. That’s all. My actions. My choices. I’ll take responsibilities for that. Everything.

Although nobody might ever read this post of mine, but never mind. It’s not meant to be out publicly anyway. I'm just simply felt better that I still a place to scribble my thoughts on. A place to release my feelings.


iVan Chong said…
Sista, why so down? I'll support you always! Be strong :)
Bethany Wang said…
meow meow Eunice, following ur blog la...hope u r ok. no matter wat happen, im here if u nid me...love u always...muacks..always will pray 4 u dear :-)
Eunice Tan said…
thx ivan! thx beth! it's just that too many things to take care of suddenly and exam coming soon + PMS (premenstrual syndrome)... hehe! love you all and thx again! =)
Bethany Wang said…
u better take care ya...eat more...u r 2 skinny d...hehe...god bless...
L.Hsien said…
haha . jie, no worries .
where will no one read yr blog . we three le . ahaha !
love you ... muacksss

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