Open Up Your Heart
My Status in Facebook: “i would always hold on to my principle: be open and transparent to your close and valued family and friends... that's where and how you learn to grow, to love and to give... =)” Everybody likes it and I saw the comment form a friend: honesty is the best policy. True enough, no doubt at the statement at all. Indeed, how many of us know the correct path and way to honesty? Is honesty part of our lives? Is honesty your best friend so far? Or is honesty in and out of your life, sometimes there, sometimes not there? I ponder on my own statement and wonder I wrote that at first. I’ve always be the girl who spills her heart out from her act and words. Is that good? Not really. Why? Simple answer: cause sometimes I talked too fast without interpreting what I can or cannot say, as words can hurt others a lot… I knew I hurt a lot of my friends and even my family before with my words and stubbornness. I’m sorry. I want to change! I do not want to be the old me. I want ...