
Well, here I am at this hour, blogging my very first post, thanks to the much-needed boost which was thankfully provided today by the PPSMB panitia dudes and dudettes. As for the intro, i'm just an average run-off-the-mill student enrolled in the International Program Of Medicine under the esteemed Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada. This blog is just meant to be the penning platform for me and my fellow friends, under the team graciously(almost at least!) named Bakteri, in Indonesian, which generally means Bacteria.
Why bacteria, u may ask? Well the answer seems to be evading me ever since i got enrolled in this team, though it is surely one of the best thing that has happened by far! Call me a gullible or perhaps oblivious-ly insolent brat that is blur most of the time, but then again, my team and I, the proud Bacteria group is grateful to be under the ever watchful eyes of the Panitia and their never-ending guidance.
To start off, allow me to explain and define itself the very term bacteria, which is so apt as me and my team members, are just as diverse and creatively different on our own ways, just as the various bacterias are, but still categorized under one big happy group, namely the Faculty of Medicine. Well, simply put, I would love to explain the word in Indonesian Language so as to learn and even improve my own abysmally poor vocab and to feel the general feeling of being in Jogja.
Quote- as following, taken form ever-so-generous Wikipedia! :

Bakteri, dari kata Latin bacterium (jamak, bacteria), adalah kelompok raksasa dari organisme hidup. Mereka sangatlah kecil (mikroskopik) dan kebanyakan uniselular (bersel tunggal), dengan struktur sel yang relatif sederhana tanpa nukleus/inti sel, cytoskeleton, dan organel lain seperti mitokondria dan kloroplas. Struktur sel mereka dijelaskan lebih lanjut dalam artikel mengenai prokariota, karena bakteri merupakan prokariota, untuk membedakan mereka dengan organisme yang memiliki sel lebih kompleks, disebut eukariota. Istilah "bakteri" telah diterapkan untuk semua prokariota atau untuk kelompok besar mereka, tergantung pada gagasan mengenai hubungan mereka.

Bakteri adalah yang paling berkelimpahan dari semua organisme. Mereka tersebar (berada di mana-mana) di tanah, air, dan sebagai simbiosis dari organisme lain. Banyak patogen merupakan bakteri. Kebanyakan dari mereka kecil, biasanya hanya berukuran 0,5-5 μm, meski ada jenis dapat menjangkau 0,3 mm dalam diameter (Thiomargarita). Mereka umumnya memiliki dinding sel, seperti sel hewan dan jamur, tetapi dengan komposisi sangat berbeda (peptidoglikan). Banyak yang bergerak menggunakan flagela, yang berbeda dalam strukturnya dari flagela kelompok lain.

So, there you go, one complete definition that defines bakteri and also my group members that have general similar characteristics but are yet different in more ways than imaginable. To pen off, I would like to quote a favorite of mine ; " To be average and mundane is only half of what one can achieve by being different yet special"-- just like me and my group members! ;-)

By: Rasvinder Singh (IP 08')


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