Grace and Mercy of God

From the conference the other day, the pastor briefly mentioned about grace and mercy of God. The other day when i shared the 2nd half of the conference in cell group, and mentioned about these two elements in forgiveness, everyone is curious about how to differentiate the two.

From the pastor, what i understood is:
Grace = we got the blessings which we do not deserve
Mercy = we were supposed to die but He gave us life (means that He does not punish us for our sin but show compassion)

Before our cell group retreat, we prayed for good weather, caused it was cloudy and rainy the past few weeks. He answered our prayer. the two days were sunny and burning hot! This is the grace of God. The unmerited favour.

Mercy, is when He forgives us and spare the punishment when we deserve punishment. For me personally, it's a everyday basis. Indirectly and subconsciously, perhaps intentionally, at times, I make wrong and stupid decisions. At this point, I need His mercy to forgive me! Ask for it from Him!

As to the question asked by one fellow bro, which is greater? Mercy or grace?
My answer: both are equally great and important! =)

ps: will be writing next post after exam to share about "Discipleship". Hang on! =)


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