Sunday Service Sharing... 150712

The sharing by Pastor Junn from Phillipines on Sunday in church is quite interesting. Hence, i would love to share one part of the sharing here.

It's about the story of 4 Asians living in the state.
There was a new barber shop which gave free haircut to their customers as their opening gifts. Then came these 4 Asians, Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese, and Phillipino. All of them had their haircut and were very happy and grateful for it. Hence, the next day, they planned to show their gratitude by bringing something for the barber.
First, the Chinese brought dimsum, follwed by the Indonesian with sate ayam, and the Japanese, sushi. Later, the Phillipino came to the shop and he brought even more Philipino or friends!

You can laugh all you want and say, "True, that's just how life is at times, share the gift!" wahahahaha!

Now, come to the main point, and i quote:
"Things that we received for free, had experienced, we want to share it with others."

In fact, we should share it with those who did not receive it yet.
And the gift we're talking about is none other than our loving God -- Jesus Christ.

Mark 12:30

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

"In all we do, we honour You. 
It's not about Sunday. 
It's not only about worship. 
It's not only about the sharing. 
It's about honouring God in all we do, wherever we are, at any time." 

gifts from my sisterssss... =)


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