Interest vs Work

Work. Sounds a bit too formal. Maybe studies cum clinical rotation would explain better.

Interest. Things that I find pleasure in doing.

Looking at myself right now, have i lost certain interest in doing something constructive in my free time? Or am i spending it too much on all the dramas i watched? Hahahaha!

Work. Studies. Exams requirements.


Interest. Fun. Relaxing. Hobby.

---> can they happen together?

my answer: Yes! They do!

Hence, i found a new interest and i promise to cut my dramas.

Deng deng deng deng! My new challenge: PHONATIONS!

Maybe some (or perhaps all) would wonder why i choose this.
Simple reason: i wanna be able to learn new words and language and be able to pronounce them clearly! =)

Now, I've found a new, constructive & meaningful (according to me) challenge to go with my 'work'.
How about you?

phonations ;)

ps: Everyone is different, so, judge not and talk no nonsense about others. Place your attention on you, yourself, in building, making, and being the better person.


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