the fire inside me..

I believe that everyone has a special spirit, source of support and encouragement inside them. It can be shown/ written all over the person, or hidden deep in the heart. No matter where it is, we cannot ignore that it is there. I call it “FIRE”.

How does this “fire” works?
It burns in us and eventually drives us to a higher level.
It is a positive strength in everyone’s life.
It helps us to do more and more.
It helps us to keep moving and upgrade ourselves.
It keeps us from giving up.
It keeps us hanging on to life no matter what happen.
It brings us satisfaction.
It brings forth the fruits of hard work.
It showers us with variety of experiences and lessons of life.
It showers us with happiness.

But, but, but…
Does it hurt when it’s burning in us?
Yes it does.
It hurts when we fail to do something.
It hurts when we fail to achieve our targets.
It hurts when we fall.
It hurts when we found that we’re the loner with the spirit, at times.
it hurts when it causes damage more than good.
It hurts most when the end of it is sadness.

Don’t give up though my dear.
Although the “fire” hurts at times, take it, change it, and use it as a positive support and encouragement to do better.
Remember, GOOD always wins against the bad.
Happiness will rule! And sadness shall disappear.

ps: I’m somehow lost in the forest, losing the “fire” that belongs to me. It does happen in certain period of life. I’ll diligently search for it and keep it burning in me once again. I miss my “fire”.


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