My Co-assistant Year

It's now official that i finished half of my co-assistant years. For those who might not know, co-assistant or koas (bahasa Indonesia) or young doctor, is similar to the practicals of a doctor-to-be.
Here, I had gone through the departments of Demartology and Venerealogy, Internal Medicine, Ear-Nose-Throat, Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Surgery and Neurology. 
The department I'm currently in is Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
The departments left are Paediatrics, Forensics, Eye and Psychiatry. 
Not to forget, a two weeks of Public Health, and two months of Community Service. 
Everything is lining up one after another.

During this one year of co-assistant, I've learned a lot.
I grew.
I cried.
I laughed.
All these ups and downs colour my life.
Each encounter i faced either with fellow group mates, doctors, nurses, and of course, my valuable teachers -- patients, make my life different from before.
I've since then learned to embrace these colours and paint them into a  beautiful picture in my memory.
Another year and I'll be a doctor.
So, let this last year be my final preparation for the soon coming new chapter of my life.


ps: thanks for your prayers!


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